Club Rules
Dues are $100 per family in same household or $60 for individuals.
Dues are payable January 1st, and must be paid by the end February. (After that date you will need to reapply for membership and attend a meeting to be voted in)
If you do not participate on a committee or provide goods or services, or pay the “no help fee” then you will be assessed a $100 non participation fee at the end of the year, before your next year’s dues will be accepted.
Club meetings are the first Tuesday (except holidays) of the month at 7:30pm at the clubhouse.
Members must be active in the club for 2 years before holding office.
Members may take on the position of Committee Chair as soon as voted in.
All 4-H leaders must belong to the club for their 4-H group to use the arena.
The club will not rent the arena for use by trainers.
We have a “raffle” at the meetings for a quarter per ticket. This tradition was started many years ago so that the club could afford to send flowers or cards to members who need cheering up because of illness or other reasons. A prize valued around $5 or less is raffled off. The winner is responsible for providing the prize at the next month’s meeting.
Fun night and Field Meet age groups are Pee Wee 10 & under, Juniors 11-15, Seniors 16-25, Baby Boomers, 26-39, Classic Cowpokes 40-54 and Rocking Renegades 55 and better.. Age as of January 1st of year participating.
There will be no horses sold at the Tack/hunters auction.
Guest are welcome to club functions, but may only attend functions until the next monthly meeting at which time they must join before attending any additional functions.
Gate combination is NOT to be given out to anyone that is not a member.
Arena lights are only for club functions.
Use courtesy and caution at all times when on club grounds and around other riders.
Do not race on track or anywhere else (grounds are not maintained for racing).
Do not run your horse in areas near bleacher, announcer stand, arena gates, and trailers or anywhere pedestrians may be present.
Use extra care when on foot in the track area between the arena and the clubhouse.
Do not tie your horse to the fences, water faucets, or elsewhere unsuited. Use the hitching rail or your own trailer.
Be sure you and your kids or guests don’t climb, lean or stand on fences and gates.
Lock the gate if you are the last person to leave, do not leave combo on lock.
22. Garbage needs to be placed in trash cans or dumpster. Each event is responsible for disposing of the trash.
23. No dogs allowed in building and must be on a leash outside on the grounds,
24. No Smoking in any of the buildings.
25. The trail area shall be used in a safe manner, no racing. Bridge use will only be available at club functions and with a responsible person present, use caution in the ditches and in the water features, you break you fix it.
26. Committees, Clubs, 4-H groups, etc. are responsible for the maintenance of the Arena. You can use the equipment that is at the club, or you can use your own. Each Committee, Club, 4 H group, etc is responsible for the following: return of equipment to proper place and all trash is to be taken to the dumpster. Failure to follow above rule could result in not being granted future us of TMRC grounds.
27. All 4 H groups wanting to use TMRC arena for fundraisers will charged a $3 per participant fee.
28. All other groups/entities wanting to use the TMRC arena will be charged a $5 per participant fee .
29. All Non Members pay a $5 per participant fee, for all events requiring a entry fee for a TMRC sponsored event.
30. All committee chairpersons will be required to sign an agreement of understanding of TMRC funds and receipts. They shall receive a list of committee members with contact information, accounting ledger sheet, and envelope for receip.
31. When an individual or group uses the arena we ask that it be left in same or better condition than when they found it.
* This is a reminder to all members and committees*
When any work is completed on club grounds it is considered voluntary. If non-club equipment is used and the use of said equipment requires monetary reimbursement, any monetary reimbursement shall be preapproved by the membership. Any request for reimbursement shall only be considered by written proposal. Any request may be tabled due to lack of a quorum for a vote. All requests for reimbursement of supplies, fuel, mileage, hour meter, must be accompanied by a log with the job description, hours/mileage and receipts. If any equipment is damaged while being used for approved club activities the club is not liable for any damages, loss or repairs. Any variation from these rules must be submitted to the general membership for approval.
If a member is hurt on the grounds, an ambulance will be called. If a member does not want to go in an ambulance that is their choice and it will release Ten Mile of any liability issues.